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Squad medic challenge 1: 5 casualties, 2 mortar shells, the instructor is CLS starts patching, squad medic comes and takes command, 60 secs after impact. SM coordinates. 60 secs after SM, medical MRAP arrives
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CplJules renamed this task from Squad medic challenge 1: 5 casualties, 2 mortar shells, the instructor is CLS starts patching, squad medic comes and takes command, 60 secs after impact to Squad medic challenge 1: 5 casualties, 2 mortar shells, the instructor is CLS starts patching, squad medic comes and takes command, 60 secs after impact. SM coordinates. 60 secs after SM, medical MRAP arrives.Feb 5 2020, 2:38 AM
CplJules created this task.
MajJames closed this task as Resolved.May 11 2020, 7:42 PM
MajJames claimed this task.
MajJames moved this task from Proofread required to Ready on the Training and SOP (J6) board.