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Unassign Types of wounds from CLS - first of all, they are not up-to-date and it'd take lots of searching to get it right. secondly, it's complex and a CLS doesn't need to know it (no-one does tbh)
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Event Timeline

CplJules triaged this task as Low priority.Feb 2 2020, 12:32 AM
CplJules created this task.
CplJules renamed this task from Types of wounds to Unassign Types of wounds from CLS - first of all, they are not up-to-date and it'd take lots of searching to get it right. secondly, it's complex and a CLS doesn't need to know it (no-one does tbh).Feb 2 2020, 11:05 PM
CplJules closed this task as Resolved.Feb 3 2020, 1:22 AM
CplJules moved this task from Action needed to Ready on the Training and SOP (J6) board.